IMO that’s nonsense. Of course the planet can support 8 billion people. What the planet can’t support is 8 billion people consuming as much as the ‘top’ 1 billion currently do. And certainly not as much as the top 1% i.e around 80,000,000 do. It’s not the number - it’s the amount the most destructive ‘consume’ aka destroy that is the problem. Plus of course as we know if we provide education and basic needs to the poorest their birth rates drop anyway. So yes EVs - and the delusion that the conspicious wasteful consumption they represent - are highly relevant to whether the species continues or not. Where we agree it seems is on what you call ‘capitalism’ but I would not - our world system has evolved into something else now, something ubiquitous we are all complicit in and sure something that must fundamentally change and again something where not just EV use but all personal car use is significant. Total numbers are a red herring but that’s a subject for another paper which I’m likely to put out soon!

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Our planet cannot support unlimited growth, and cannot support 8 billion+ of our species. PERIOD. It cannot continue to exist under the heel of capitalism. PERIOD. Anything else talked about (electric vehicles failures) is nit-picking. IMO.

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Well thought out and presented. The primary function of the tin lizzy is to support massive human overpopulation/overconsumption. I live in Marietta, Ohio, first permanent settlement in the Northwest Territory, 1787, and the constant roar of the through traffic can still be heard at 8:30PM, including the constant flow of fracking trucks. It's nothing to the locals to drive hundreds of miles, alone, to distant appointments and entertainments. We are now 3,000 times more numerous than were our migratory (on foot) Hunter-Gatherer ancestral clans/bands, who were the last of us to be ecologically balanced and self-sustaining, just 10K yr. ago or so. What could go wrong? Everything? Who could still walk those distances that the pioneers and earlier H-Gs did/do without the tin lizzy? Thanks for your efforts!

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Wonderful article with a new perspective on American psychology and driving. Small phallus syndrome should be in the DSM. It's a big problem pardon the pun.

While I don't have sufficient proof my gut feeling is that EVs are going to be more environmentally destructive than ICE vehicles. Battery storage systems are the main problem (elec storage of any type) for off hours.

The crumbling electric grid is failing now and the increased load from going all electric guarantees massive outages. 10 year to upgrade and trillions of $?

EVs weigh almost twice that of ICE vehicles. In accidents that wgt converts to force . Accident injuries and fatalities will increase dramatically. Weight also means increased energy to move the vehicle.

Every electrical engineer on the planet must know what total folly EVs and Bidens IRA plan is. Why haven't they spoken out?

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Thanks for the supportive feedback. And haha for Small P Syndrome (!) and yes indeed to your other practical points. I’m really not sure why about the speaking out thing. My guess is it’s a combination of 1. vague ‘something is better than nothing’ thinking 2. not wanting to sound ‘unhopeful’ or like a denialist 3. despair. Number 1 is probably the most harmful as meaningless (or indeed also-harmful) action - as per EVs but much else too - stops people who might act meaningfully from doing so, given the chance…

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4 Theyve run the numbers and found it's hopeless.

The planet can support 8 bill. Theoretically. Agri. relies heavily on fossil fuels including fertilizer. Feeding 8 bill. will not be possible on green energy.

The 8 billion population is a direct result of mechanized , chemical ag. Including pestecides. And the population will continue to grow. The insanity is shown by the countries concerned with declining populations

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They ( global finance capitalists) are determined to feed the soon to be 10 billion consumers. They just don't yet know how, without gobbling up what is left of our planet's biospheric landmass.

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